VUW 2013 Grace Projects

Programming Teh Interwebz

What would programming be like if Facebook was your IDE? If Vine was your Desktop? If Google+ was your compiler interface? If Chatroulette was your UI? What happens if your programs are Google Docs or Wiki Pages? What if you “like” java.lang.Vector and “+1” Ruby.Rubinius or Groovy on Grails? What if every program in the whole wide world web was on Twitter or Wikipedia? What if you mashup and shiftEdit and wiode and Kodingen and and and Wat? Wat? Wat?? node.js ERROR 404 Not Found error?

Related Work:

  • Learning Edge Momentum
  • Auckland’s CodeWriter
  • Waikato’s
  • Public Static Void Main .com
  • Python Tutuor
  • RiseForFUN
  • TouchDevelop
  • papers from last 3 SIGCSEs

Project Plan / Milestones:

  1. first six weeks – proposal, survey related work
    • outcome: proposal including related work for final report
    • outcome: human ethics committee application
  2. break in term 1 to end of mid-term break – implementation:
    • add Facebook authentication to Grace/JS (could use Google+ or Twitter)
    • add RiseForFun/CodeAvengers style code challenges to Grace/JS (based on existing support for tests)
    • get Grace/JS to post stuff back to Facebook account
    • outcome: working initial prototype for testing
    • outcome chapter describing prototype and software architecture
  3. first six weeks of term 2
    • conduct (and document) three rounds of formative UI evaluation
      1. heuristic analysis
      2. cognitive walkthroughs
      3. pilot user tests
    • after each stage, tweak UI to fix any problems
    • outcome: formative evaluation chapter for report: methods, problems uncovered, fixes
    • outcome: improved reliable usable prototype
  4. mid-term break to end of term
    • conduct and document summative *user trials* over say 3-4 weeks
      1. enroll 1st year students in trial
      2. have them complete a number of tasks over time
      3. survey / interview them afterwards
      4. outcome: summative evaluation chapter: methods, subject’s usage, problems uncovered, attitude to tool
    • finalize report

Grace Web IDE

Related Work:

  • Learning Edge Momentum
  • Auckland’s CodeWriter
  • Waikato’s
  • Public Static Void Main .com
  • Python Tutuor
  • RiseForFUN
  • TouchDevelop
  • papers from last 3 SIGCSEs

Project Plan / Milestones:

  1. first six weeks – proposal, survey related work
    • outcome: proposal including related work for final report
    • outcome: human ethics committee application
  2. break in term 1 to end of mid-term break – implementation:
    • building on existing Grace front end
    • add support for tests – JUnit / GUnit style
    • add support for multi-file projects
    • experiment with visualization support — see e.g.
    • outcome: working initial prototype for testing
    • outcome chapter describing prototype and software architecture
  3. first six weeks of term 2
    • conduct (and document) three rounds of formative UI evaluation
      1. heuristic analysis
      2. cognitive walkthroughs
      3. pilot user tests
    • after each stage, tweak UI to fix any problems
    • outcome: formative evaluation chapter for report: methods, problems uncovered, fixes
    • outcome: improved reliable usable prototype
  4. mid-term break to end of term
    • conduct and document summative *user trials* over say 3-4 weeks
      1. enroll 1st year students in trial
      2. have them complete a number of tasks over time
      3. survey / interview them afterwards
      4. outcome: summative evaluation chapter: methods, subject’s usage, problems uncovered, attitude to tool
    • finalize report

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