Grace is growing!

You wouldn’t know it by reading this Blog, but this has been an active summer in Gracelang. In fact, we’ve been so busy coding and editing the specification — and having fun with Grace — that we haven’t posed anything here.

Amongst other things, I’ve been working on a usable, if simple, version of GUnit — the ubiquitous unit testing framework — for Grace. It basically does what xUnit does in any other language: it let’s you write a bunch of test methods that contain assertions, and then runs them all, notifying you only of errors and failures. Grace’s blocks and exception handling find their niche here. For example, here is a test for lists:

import "GUnit" as GU
import "collections" as coll
def aList = coll.aList

class aListTest.forMethod(m) {
    inherits GU.aTestCase.forMethod(m)

    def oneToFive = aList.with(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    def evens = aList.with(2, 4, 6, 8)
    def empty = aList.empty
    method testFirst {
        assert{empty.first} shouldRaise (coll.boundsError)
        assert(evens.first) shouldBe (2)
        assert(oneToFive.first) shouldBe (1)

def listTests = GU.aTestSuite.fromTestMethodsInClass(aListTest)

The boilerplate is pretty standard for any xUnit. The only thing that needs explanation is the inherits clause: as in most implementations of xUnit, tests must be methods of a class that inherits from a framework class, which in Grace is called aTestCase.

Anyway, the nice thing is the first assertion:

assert{empty.first} shouldRaise (coll.boundsError)

Notice that the first argument is a block: it is evaluated as part of the action of the assert method, which enables the assert method to trap any exception that is raised.
So we are able to test that asking for the first element of an empty list does indeed raise the right exception — and then go on to run more tests.

The above code, when run, outputs:

1 run, 0 failed, 0 errors

and nothing else: passing tests are quiet.

If you would like to see all of the code, just drop us an email, and we will give you access to our subversion repository.